Entropia Central Tracker is a tool that is used to track globals, pvp actions and trade messages from Entropia Universe. It helps feeding live data to the website which can be viewed at any time.
The tracker also provides features useful for user as a thank you for using the tracker such as capturing screenshots/replays on globals, pvp actions, rare finds etc. In the future tracker will be expanded with more features that will help users succeed in Entropia, stay tuned !
The tracker shows what data is being sent to server on the bottom bar, it NEVER sends your personal data, screenshots or videos to the server. The application has been thoroughly verified by Microsoft Store, by manual testing, automated testing, and virus checks, and we can confidently say it is the safest Entropia Universe related app to use to this date.
Download link: Entropia Central Tracker, Microsoft App Store
Guide of how to set up and use the tracker can be found here.